The Fountain team

Worker Experience Platform: SMS Usage Dashboard

AUTHOR: The Fountain team

We are thrilled to introduce the new Fountain Communicate feature, a comprehensive platform for monitoring SMS communications sent across all products. This feature provides detailed insights and analytics, enabling users to manage and optimize their communication strategies effectively.

Benefits & Key Points

Detailed SMS Credit Usage Insights:

  • Description: Gain granular breakdowns of SMS credit usage by product, date range, or location.

  • Benefits:

    • Helps companies manage and optimize their communication costs effectively.

    • Facilitates better analysis and decision-making.

Streamlined Management Across Products:

  • Description: The dashboard tracks SMS usage by product, offering a comprehensive view of communication efforts across the entire product portfolio.

  • Benefits:

    • Centralized management for easy monitoring and comparison of SMS usage.

    • Efficient resource allocation.

    • Identification of trends or discrepancies in messaging strategies.

Administrator Instructions

No administrator tasks are required to benefit from the new SMS dashboard.

For further information or assistance, please visit our support page or contact our customer support team.

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